1 /*++
2 /* NAME
3 /* htable 3
5 /* hash table manager
7 /* #include <htable.h>
8 /*
9 /* typedef struct {
10 /* .in +4
11 /* char *key;
12 /* void *value;
13 /* /* private fields... */
14 /* .in -4
15 /* } HTABLE_INFO;
16 /*
17 /* HTABLE *htable_create(size)
18 /* int size;
19 /*
20 /* HTABLE_INFO *htable_enter(table, key, value)
21 /* HTABLE *table;
22 /* const char *key;
23 /* void *value;
24 /*
25 /* char *htable_find(table, key)
26 /* HTABLE *table;
27 /* const char *key;
28 /*
29 /* HTABLE_INFO *htable_locate(table, key)
30 /* HTABLE *table;
31 /* const char *key;
32 /*
33 /* void htable_delete(table, key, free_fn)
34 /* HTABLE *table;
35 /* const char *key;
36 /* void (*free_fn)(void *);
37 /*
38 /* void htable_free(table, free_fn)
39 /* HTABLE *table;
40 /* void (*free_fn)(void *);
41 /*
42 /* void htable_walk(table, action, ptr)
43 /* HTABLE *table;
44 /* void (*action)(HTABLE_INFO *, void *ptr);
45 /* void *ptr;
46 /*
47 /* HTABLE_INFO **htable_list(table)
48 /* HTABLE *table;
49 /*
50 /* HTABLE_INFO *htable_sequence(table, how)
51 /* HTABLE *table;
52 /* int how;
54 /* This module maintains one or more hash tables. Each table entry
55 /* consists of a unique string-valued lookup key and a generic
56 /* character-pointer value.
57 /* The tables are automatically resized when they fill up. When the
58 /* values to be remembered are not character pointers, proper casts
59 /* should be used or the code will not be portable.
60 /*
61 /* htable_create() creates a table of the specified size and returns a
62 /* pointer to the result. The lookup keys are saved with mystrdup().
63 /* htable_enter() stores a (key, value) pair into the specified table
64 /* and returns a pointer to the resulting entry. The code does not
65 /* check if an entry with that key already exists: use htable_locate()
66 /* for updating an existing entry.
67 /*
68 /* htable_find() returns the value that was stored under the given key,
69 /* or a null pointer if it was not found. In order to distinguish
70 /* a null value from a non-existent value, use htable_locate().
71 /*
72 /* htable_locate() returns a pointer to the entry that was stored
73 /* for the given key, or a null pointer if it was not found.
74 /*
75 /* htable_delete() removes one entry that was stored under the given key.
76 /* If the free_fn argument is not a null pointer, the corresponding
77 /* function is called with as argument the non-zero value stored under
78 /* the key.
79 /*
80 /* htable_free() destroys a hash table, including contents. If the free_fn
81 /* argument is not a null pointer, the corresponding function is called
82 /* for each table entry, with as argument the non-zero value stored
83 /* with the entry.
84 /*
85 /* htable_walk() invokes the action function for each table entry, with
86 /* a pointer to the entry as its argument. The ptr argument is passed
87 /* on to the action function.
88 /*
89 /* htable_list() returns a null-terminated list of pointers to
90 /* all elements in the named table. The list should be passed to
91 /* myfree().
92 /*
93 /* htable_sequence() returns the first or next element depending
94 /* on the value of the "how" argument. Specify HTABLE_SEQ_FIRST
95 /* to start a new sequence, HTABLE_SEQ_NEXT to continue, and
96 /* HTABLE_SEQ_STOP to terminate a sequence early. The caller
97 /* must not delete an element before it is visited.
99 /* A callback function should not modify the hash table that is
100 /* specified to its caller.
102 /* The following conditions are reported and cause the program to
103 /* terminate immediately: memory allocation failure; an attempt
104 /* to delete a non-existent entry.
105 /* SEE ALSO
106 /* mymalloc(3) memory management wrapper
107 /* LICENSE
108 /* .ad
109 /* .fi
110 /* The Secure Mailer license must be distributed with this software.
111 /* AUTHOR(S)
112 /* Wietse Venema
113 /* IBM T.J. Watson Research
114 /* P.O. Box 704
115 /* Yorktown Heights, NY 10598, USA
116 /*--*/
118 /* C library */
120 #include <sys_defs.h>
121 #include <string.h>
123 /* Local stuff */
125 #include "mymalloc.h"
126 #include "msg.h"
127 #include "htable.h"
129 /* htable_hash - hash a string */
131 static size_t htable_hash(const char *s, size_t size)
132 {
133  size_t h = 0;
134  size_t g;
136  /*
137  * From the "Dragon" book by Aho, Sethi and Ullman.
138  */
140  while (*s) {
141  h = (h << 4U) + *(unsigned const char *) s++;
142  if ((g = (h & 0xf0000000)) != 0) {
143  h ^= (g >> 24U);
144  h ^= g;
145  }
146  }
147  return (h % size);
148 }
150 /* htable_link - insert element into table */
152 #define htable_link(table, element) { \
153  HTABLE_INFO **_h = table->data + htable_hash(element->key, table->size);\
154  element->prev = 0; \
155  if ((element->next = *_h) != 0) \
156  (*_h)->prev = element; \
157  *_h = element; \
158  table->used++; \
159 }
161 /* htable_size - allocate and initialize hash table */
163 static void htable_size(HTABLE *table, size_t size)
164 {
165  HTABLE_INFO **h;
167  size |= 1;
169  table->data = h = (HTABLE_INFO **) mymalloc(size * sizeof(HTABLE_INFO *));
170  table->size = size;
171  table->used = 0;
173  while (size-- > 0)
174  *h++ = 0;
175 }
177 /* htable_create - create initial hash table */
179 HTABLE *htable_create(ssize_t size)
180 {
181  HTABLE *table;
183  table = (HTABLE *) mymalloc(sizeof(HTABLE));
184  htable_size(table, size < 13 ? 13 : size);
185  table->seq_bucket = table->seq_element = 0;
186  return (table);
187 }
189 /* htable_grow - extend existing table */
191 static void htable_grow(HTABLE *table)
192 {
193  HTABLE_INFO *ht;
194  HTABLE_INFO *next;
195  size_t old_size = table->size;
196  HTABLE_INFO **h = table->data;
197  HTABLE_INFO **old_entries = h;
199  htable_size(table, 2 * old_size);
201  while (old_size-- > 0) {
202  for (ht = *h++; ht; ht = next) {
203  next = ht->next;
204  htable_link(table, ht);
205  }
206  }
207  myfree((void *) old_entries);
208 }
210 /* htable_enter - enter (key, value) pair */
212 HTABLE_INFO *htable_enter(HTABLE *table, const char *key, void *value)
213 {
214  HTABLE_INFO *ht;
216  if (table->used >= table->size)
217  htable_grow(table);
218  ht = (HTABLE_INFO *) mymalloc(sizeof(HTABLE_INFO));
219  ht->key = mystrdup(key);
220  ht->value = value;
221  htable_link(table, ht);
222  return (ht);
223 }
225 /* htable_find - lookup value */
227 void *htable_find(HTABLE *table, const char *key)
228 {
229  HTABLE_INFO *ht;
231 #define STREQ(x,y) (x == y || (x[0] == y[0] && strcmp(x,y) == 0))
233  if (table)
234  for (ht = table->data[htable_hash(key, table->size)]; ht; ht = ht->next)
235  if (STREQ(key, ht->key))
236  return (ht->value);
237  return (0);
238 }
240 /* htable_locate - lookup entry */
242 HTABLE_INFO *htable_locate(HTABLE *table, const char *key)
243 {
244  HTABLE_INFO *ht;
246 #define STREQ(x,y) (x == y || (x[0] == y[0] && strcmp(x,y) == 0))
248  if (table)
249  for (ht = table->data[htable_hash(key, table->size)]; ht; ht = ht->next)
250  if (STREQ(key, ht->key))
251  return (ht);
252  return (0);
253 }
255 /* htable_delete - delete one entry */
257 void htable_delete(HTABLE *table, const char *key, void (*free_fn) (void *))
258 {
259  if (table) {
260  HTABLE_INFO *ht;
261  HTABLE_INFO **h = table->data + htable_hash(key, table->size);
263 #define STREQ(x,y) (x == y || (x[0] == y[0] && strcmp(x,y) == 0))
265  for (ht = *h; ht; ht = ht->next) {
266  if (STREQ(key, ht->key)) {
267  if (ht->next)
268  ht->next->prev = ht->prev;
269  if (ht->prev)
270  ht->prev->next = ht->next;
271  else
272  *h = ht->next;
273  table->used--;
274  myfree(ht->key);
275  if (free_fn && ht->value)
276  (*free_fn) (ht->value);
277  myfree((void *) ht);
278  return;
279  }
280  }
281  msg_panic("htable_delete: unknown_key: \"%s\"", key);
282  }
283 }
285 /* htable_free - destroy hash table */
287 void htable_free(HTABLE *table, void (*free_fn) (void *))
288 {
289  if (table) {
290  ssize_t i = table->size;
291  HTABLE_INFO *ht;
292  HTABLE_INFO *next;
293  HTABLE_INFO **h = table->data;
295  while (i-- > 0) {
296  for (ht = *h++; ht; ht = next) {
297  next = ht->next;
298  myfree(ht->key);
299  if (free_fn && ht->value)
300  (*free_fn) (ht->value);
301  myfree((void *) ht);
302  }
303  }
304  myfree((void *) table->data);
305  table->data = 0;
306  if (table->seq_bucket)
307  myfree((void *) table->seq_bucket);
308  table->seq_bucket = 0;
309  myfree((void *) table);
310  }
311 }
313 /* htable_walk - iterate over hash table */
315 void htable_walk(HTABLE *table, void (*action) (HTABLE_INFO *, void *),
316  void *ptr) {
317  if (table) {
318  ssize_t i = table->size;
319  HTABLE_INFO **h = table->data;
320  HTABLE_INFO *ht;
322  while (i-- > 0)
323  for (ht = *h++; ht; ht = ht->next)
324  (*action) (ht, ptr);
325  }
326 }
328 /* htable_list - list all table members */
331 {
332  HTABLE_INFO **list;
333  HTABLE_INFO *member;
334  ssize_t count = 0;
335  ssize_t i;
337  if (table != 0) {
338  list = (HTABLE_INFO **) mymalloc(sizeof(*list) * (table->used + 1));
339  for (i = 0; i < table->size; i++)
340  for (member = table->data[i]; member != 0; member = member->next)
341  list[count++] = member;
342  } else {
343  list = (HTABLE_INFO **) mymalloc(sizeof(*list));
344  }
345  list[count] = 0;
346  return (list);
347 }
349 /* htable_sequence - dict(3) compatibility iterator */
352 {
353  if (table == 0)
354  return (0);
356  switch (how) {
357  case HTABLE_SEQ_FIRST: /* start new sequence */
358  if (table->seq_bucket)
359  myfree((void *) table->seq_bucket);
360  table->seq_bucket = htable_list(table);
361  table->seq_element = table->seq_bucket;
362  return (*(table->seq_element)++);
363  case HTABLE_SEQ_NEXT: /* next element */
364  if (table->seq_element && *table->seq_element)
365  return (*(table->seq_element)++);
366  /* FALLTHROUGH */
367  default: /* terminate sequence */
368  if (table->seq_bucket) {
369  myfree((void *) table->seq_bucket);
370  table->seq_bucket = table->seq_element = 0;
371  }
372  return (0);
373  }
374 }
376 #ifdef TEST
377 #include <vstring_vstream.h>
378 #include <myrand.h>
380 int main(int unused_argc, char **unused_argv)
381 {
382  VSTRING *buf = vstring_alloc(10);
383  ssize_t count = 0;
384  HTABLE *hash;
385  HTABLE_INFO **ht_info;
386  HTABLE_INFO **ht;
387  HTABLE_INFO *info;
388  ssize_t i;
389  ssize_t r;
390  int op;
392  /*
393  * Load a large number of strings and delete them in a random order.
394  */
395  hash = htable_create(10);
396  while (vstring_get(buf, VSTREAM_IN) != VSTREAM_EOF)
397  htable_enter(hash, vstring_str(buf), CAST_INT_TO_VOID_PTR(count++));
398  for (i = 0, op = HTABLE_SEQ_FIRST; htable_sequence(hash, op) != 0;
399  i++, op = HTABLE_SEQ_NEXT)
400  /* void */ ;
401  if (i != hash->used)
402  msg_panic("%ld entries found, but %lu entries exist",
403  (long) i, (unsigned long) hash->used);
404  ht_info = htable_list(hash);
405  for (i = 0; i < hash->used; i++) {
406  r = myrand() % hash->used;
407  info = ht_info[i];
408  ht_info[i] = ht_info[r];
409  ht_info[r] = info;
410  }
411  for (ht = ht_info; *ht; ht++)
412  htable_delete(hash, ht[0]->key, (void (*) (void *)) 0);
413  if (hash->used > 0)
414  msg_panic("%ld entries not deleted", (long) hash->used);
415  myfree((void *) ht_info);
416  htable_free(hash, (void (*) (void *)) 0);
417  vstring_free(buf);
418  return (0);
419 }
421 #endif
void htable_free(HTABLE *table, void(*free_fn)(void *))
Definition: htable.c:287
void * value
Definition: htable.h:18
Definition: vstream.h:110
struct HTABLE_INFO * next
Definition: htable.h:19
void myfree(void *ptr)
Definition: mymalloc.c:207
HTABLE_INFO * htable_locate(HTABLE *table, const char *key)
Definition: htable.c:242
char * mystrdup(const char *str)
Definition: mymalloc.c:225
ssize_t size
Definition: htable.h:26
Definition: htable.h:43
NORETURN msg_panic(const char *fmt,...)
Definition: msg.c:295
#define vstring_str(vp)
Definition: vstring.h:71
ssize_t used
Definition: htable.h:27
int main(int argc, char **argv)
Definition: anvil.c:1010
int vstring_get(VSTRING *vp, VSTREAM *fp)
HTABLE_INFO ** seq_element
Definition: htable.h:30
#define VSTREAM_IN
Definition: vstream.h:66
HTABLE_INFO ** seq_bucket
Definition: htable.h:29
Definition: htable.h:25
Definition: htable.h:28
void htable_walk(HTABLE *table, void(*action)(HTABLE_INFO *, void *), void *ptr)
Definition: htable.c:315
HTABLE * htable_create(ssize_t size)
Definition: htable.c:179
HTABLE_INFO ** htable_list(HTABLE *table)
Definition: htable.c:330
HTABLE_INFO * htable_sequence(HTABLE *table, int how)
Definition: htable.c:351
#define CAST_INT_TO_VOID_PTR(ival)
Definition: sys_defs.h:1299
Definition: htable.h:44
char * key
Definition: htable.h:17
VSTRING * vstring_alloc(ssize_t len)
Definition: vstring.c:353
void * htable_find(HTABLE *table, const char *key)
Definition: htable.c:227
#define htable_link(table, element)
Definition: htable.c:152
int myrand(void)
Definition: myrand.c:58
VSTRING * vstring_free(VSTRING *vp)
Definition: vstring.c:380
#define STREQ(x, y)
void htable_delete(HTABLE *table, const char *key, void(*free_fn)(void *))
Definition: htable.c:257
struct HTABLE_INFO * prev
Definition: htable.h:20
void * mymalloc(ssize_t len)
Definition: mymalloc.c:150
HTABLE_INFO * htable_enter(HTABLE *table, const char *key, void *value)
Definition: htable.c:212