# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import division import struct import datetime import io import re import os import os.path import stat import sys from unicodedata import normalize if sys.platform == 'darwin': from . import osx try: long except NameError: long = int from .utils import * ALIAS_KIND_FILE = 0 ALIAS_KIND_FOLDER = 1 ALIAS_HFS_VOLUME_SIGNATURE = b'H+' ALIAS_FILESYSTEM_UDF = 'UDF (CD/DVD)' ALIAS_FILESYSTEM_FAT32 = 'FAT32' ALIAS_FILESYSTEM_EXFAT = 'exFAT' ALIAS_FILESYSTEM_HFSX = 'HFSX' ALIAS_FILESYSTEM_HFSPLUS = 'HFS+' ALIAS_FILESYSTEM_FTP = 'FTP' ALIAS_FILESYSTEM_NTFS = 'NTFS' ALIAS_FILESYSTEM_UNKNOWN = 'unknown' ALIAS_FIXED_DISK = 0 ALIAS_NETWORK_DISK = 1 ALIAS_400KB_FLOPPY_DISK = 2 ALIAS_800KB_FLOPPY_DISK = 3 ALIAS_1_44MB_FLOPPY_DISK = 4 ALIAS_EJECTABLE_DISK = 5 ALIAS_NO_CNID = 0xffffffff ALIAS_FSTYPE_MAP = { # Version 2 aliases b'HX': ALIAS_FILESYSTEM_HFSX, b'H+': ALIAS_FILESYSTEM_HFSPLUS, # Version 3 aliases b'BDcu': ALIAS_FILESYSTEM_UDF, b'BDIS': ALIAS_FILESYSTEM_FAT32, b'BDxF': ALIAS_FILESYSTEM_EXFAT, b'HX\0\0': ALIAS_FILESYSTEM_HFSX, b'H+\0\0': ALIAS_FILESYSTEM_HFSPLUS, b'KG\0\0': ALIAS_FILESYSTEM_FTP, b'NTcu': ALIAS_FILESYSTEM_NTFS, } def encode_utf8(s): if isinstance(s, bytes): return s return s.encode('utf-8') def decode_utf8(s): if isinstance(s, bytes): return s.decode('utf-8') return s class AppleShareInfo (object): def __init__(self, zone=None, server=None, user=None): #: The AppleShare zone self.zone = zone #: The AFP server self.server = server #: The username self.user = user def __repr__(self): return 'AppleShareInfo(%r,%r,%r)' % (self.zone, self.server, self.user) class VolumeInfo (object): def __init__(self, name, creation_date, fs_type, disk_type, attribute_flags, fs_id, appleshare_info=None, driver_name=None, posix_path=None, disk_image_alias=None, dialup_info=None, network_mount_info=None): #: The name of the volume on which the target resides self.name = name #: The creation date of the target's volume self.creation_date = creation_date #: The filesystem type #: (for v2 aliases, this is a 2-character code; for v3 aliases, a #: 4-character code). self.fs_type = fs_type #: The type of disk; should be one of #: #: * ALIAS_FIXED_DISK #: * ALIAS_NETWORK_DISK #: * ALIAS_400KB_FLOPPY_DISK #: * ALIAS_800KB_FLOPPY_DISK #: * ALIAS_1_44MB_FLOPPY_DISK #: * ALIAS_EJECTABLE_DISK self.disk_type = disk_type #: Filesystem attribute flags (from HFS volume header) self.attribute_flags = attribute_flags #: Filesystem identifier self.fs_id = fs_id #: AppleShare information (for automatic remounting of network shares) #: *(optional)* self.appleshare_info = appleshare_info #: Driver name (*probably* contains a disk driver name on older Macs) #: *(optional)* self.driver_name = driver_name #: POSIX path of the mount point of the target's volume #: *(optional)* self.posix_path = posix_path #: :class:`Alias` object pointing at the disk image on which the #: target's volume resides *(optional)* self.disk_image_alias = disk_image_alias #: Dialup information (for automatic establishment of dialup connections) self.dialup_info = dialup_info #: Network mount information (for automatic remounting) self.network_mount_info = network_mount_info @property def filesystem_type(self): return ALIAS_FSTYPE_MAP.get(self.fs_type, ALIAS_FILESYSTEM_UNKNOWN) def __repr__(self): args = ['name', 'creation_date', 'fs_type', 'disk_type', 'attribute_flags', 'fs_id'] values = [] for a in args: v = getattr(self, a) values.append(repr(v)) kwargs = ['appleshare_info', 'driver_name', 'posix_path', 'disk_image_alias', 'dialup_info', 'network_mount_info'] for a in kwargs: v = getattr(self, a) if v is not None: values.append('%s=%r' % (a, v)) return 'VolumeInfo(%s)' % ','.join(values) class TargetInfo (object): def __init__(self, kind, filename, folder_cnid, cnid, creation_date, creator_code, type_code, levels_from=-1, levels_to=-1, folder_name=None, cnid_path=None, carbon_path=None, posix_path=None, user_home_prefix_len=None): #: Either ALIAS_KIND_FILE or ALIAS_KIND_FOLDER self.kind = kind #: The filename of the target self.filename = filename #: The CNID (Catalog Node ID) of the target's containing folder; #: CNIDs are similar to but different than traditional UNIX inode #: numbers self.folder_cnid = folder_cnid #: The CNID (Catalog Node ID) of the target self.cnid = cnid #: The target's *creation* date. self.creation_date = creation_date #: The target's Mac creator code (a four-character binary string) self.creator_code = creator_code #: The target's Mac type code (a four-character binary string) self.type_code = type_code #: The depth of the alias? Always seems to be -1 on OS X. self.levels_from = levels_from #: The depth of the target? Always seems to be -1 on OS X. self.levels_to = levels_to #: The (POSIX) name of the target's containing folder. *(optional)* self.folder_name = folder_name #: The path from the volume root as a sequence of CNIDs. *(optional)* self.cnid_path = cnid_path #: The Carbon path of the target *(optional)* self.carbon_path = carbon_path #: The POSIX path of the target relative to the volume root. Note #: that this may or may not have a leading '/' character, but it is #: always relative to the containing volume. *(optional)* self.posix_path = posix_path #: If the path points into a user's home folder, the number of folders #: deep that we go before we get to that home folder. *(optional)* self.user_home_prefix_len = user_home_prefix_len def __repr__(self): args = ['kind', 'filename', 'folder_cnid', 'cnid', 'creation_date', 'creator_code', 'type_code'] values = [] for a in args: v = getattr(self, a) values.append(repr(v)) if self.levels_from != -1: values.append('levels_from=%r' % self.levels_from) if self.levels_to != -1: values.append('levels_to=%r' % self.levels_to) kwargs = ['folder_name', 'cnid_path', 'carbon_path', 'posix_path', 'user_home_prefix_len'] for a in kwargs: v = getattr(self, a) values.append('%s=%r' % (a, v)) return 'TargetInfo(%s)' % ','.join(values) TAG_CARBON_FOLDER_NAME = 0 TAG_CNID_PATH = 1 TAG_CARBON_PATH = 2 TAG_APPLESHARE_ZONE = 3 TAG_APPLESHARE_SERVER_NAME = 4 TAG_APPLESHARE_USERNAME = 5 TAG_DRIVER_NAME = 6 TAG_NETWORK_MOUNT_INFO = 9 TAG_DIALUP_INFO = 10 TAG_UNICODE_FILENAME = 14 TAG_UNICODE_VOLUME_NAME = 15 TAG_HIGH_RES_VOLUME_CREATION_DATE = 16 TAG_HIGH_RES_CREATION_DATE = 17 TAG_POSIX_PATH = 18 TAG_POSIX_PATH_TO_MOUNTPOINT = 19 TAG_RECURSIVE_ALIAS_OF_DISK_IMAGE = 20 TAG_USER_HOME_LENGTH_PREFIX = 21 class Alias (object): def __init__(self, appinfo=b'\0\0\0\0', version=2, volume=None, target=None, extra=[]): """Construct a new :class:`Alias` object with the specified contents.""" #: Application specific information (four byte byte-string) self.appinfo = appinfo #: Version (we support versions 2 and 3) self.version = version #: A :class:`VolumeInfo` object describing the target's volume self.volume = volume #: A :class:`TargetInfo` object describing the target self.target = target #: A list of extra `(tag, value)` pairs self.extra = list(extra) @classmethod def _from_fd(cls, b): appinfo, recsize, version = struct.unpack(b'>4shh', b.read(8)) if recsize < 150: raise ValueError('Incorrect alias length') if version not in (2, 3): raise ValueError('Unsupported alias version %u' % version) if version == 2: kind, volname, voldate, fstype, disktype, \ folder_cnid, filename, cnid, crdate, creator_code, type_code, \ levels_from, levels_to, volattrs, volfsid, reserved = \ struct.unpack(b'>h28pI2shI64pII4s4shhI2s10s', b.read(142)) else: kind, voldate_hr, fstype, disktype, folder_cnid, cnid, crdate_hr, \ volattrs, reserved = \ struct.unpack(b'>hQ4shIIQI14s', b.read(46)) volname = b'' filename = b'' creator_code = None type_code = None voldate = voldate_hr / 65536.0 crdate = crdate_hr / 65536.0 voldate = mac_epoch + datetime.timedelta(seconds=voldate) crdate = mac_epoch + datetime.timedelta(seconds=crdate) alias = Alias() alias.appinfo = appinfo alias.volume = VolumeInfo (volname.decode().replace('/',':'), voldate, fstype, disktype, volattrs, volfsid) alias.target = TargetInfo (kind, filename.decode().replace('/',':'), folder_cnid, cnid, crdate, creator_code, type_code) alias.target.levels_from = levels_from alias.target.levels_to = levels_to tag = struct.unpack(b'>h', b.read(2))[0] while tag != -1: length = struct.unpack(b'>h', b.read(2))[0] value = b.read(length) if length & 1: b.read(1) if tag == TAG_CARBON_FOLDER_NAME: alias.target.folder_name = value.decode().replace('/',':') elif tag == TAG_CNID_PATH: alias.target.cnid_path = struct.unpack('>%uI' % (length // 4), value) elif tag == TAG_CARBON_PATH: alias.target.carbon_path = value elif tag == TAG_APPLESHARE_ZONE: if alias.volume.appleshare_info is None: alias.volume.appleshare_info = AppleShareInfo() alias.volume.appleshare_info.zone = value elif tag == TAG_APPLESHARE_SERVER_NAME: if alias.volume.appleshare_info is None: alias.volume.appleshare_info = AppleShareInfo() alias.volume.appleshare_info.server = value elif tag == TAG_APPLESHARE_USERNAME: if alias.volume.appleshare_info is None: alias.volume.appleshare_info = AppleShareInfo() alias.volume.appleshare_info.user = value elif tag == TAG_DRIVER_NAME: alias.volume.driver_name = value elif tag == TAG_NETWORK_MOUNT_INFO: alias.volume.network_mount_info = value elif tag == TAG_DIALUP_INFO: alias.volume.dialup_info = value elif tag == TAG_UNICODE_FILENAME: alias.target.filename = value[2:].decode('utf-16be') elif tag == TAG_UNICODE_VOLUME_NAME: alias.volume.name = value[2:].decode('utf-16be') elif tag == TAG_HIGH_RES_VOLUME_CREATION_DATE: seconds = struct.unpack(b'>Q', value)[0] / 65536.0 alias.volume.creation_date \ = mac_epoch + datetime.timedelta(seconds=seconds) elif tag == TAG_HIGH_RES_CREATION_DATE: seconds = struct.unpack(b'>Q', value)[0] / 65536.0 alias.target.creation_date \ = mac_epoch + datetime.timedelta(seconds=seconds) elif tag == TAG_POSIX_PATH: alias.target.posix_path = value.decode() elif tag == TAG_POSIX_PATH_TO_MOUNTPOINT: alias.volume.posix_path = value.decode() elif tag == TAG_RECURSIVE_ALIAS_OF_DISK_IMAGE: alias.volume.disk_image_alias = Alias.from_bytes(value) elif tag == TAG_USER_HOME_LENGTH_PREFIX: alias.target.user_home_prefix_len = struct.unpack(b'>h', value)[0] else: alias.extra.append((tag, value)) tag = struct.unpack(b'>h', b.read(2))[0] return alias @classmethod def from_bytes(cls, bytes): """Construct an :class:`Alias` object given binary Alias data.""" with io.BytesIO(bytes) as b: return cls._from_fd(b) @classmethod def for_file(cls, path): """Create an :class:`Alias` that points at the specified file.""" if sys.platform != 'darwin': raise Exception('Not implemented (requires special support)') path = encode_utf8(path) a = Alias() # Find the filesystem st = osx.statfs(path) vol_path = st.f_mntonname # File and folder names in HFS+ are normalized to a form similar to NFD. # Must be normalized (NFD->NFC) before use to avoid unicode string comparison issues. vol_path = normalize("NFC", vol_path.decode('utf-8')).encode('utf-8') # Grab its attributes attrs = [osx.ATTR_CMN_CRTIME, osx.ATTR_VOL_NAME, 0, 0, 0] volinfo = osx.getattrlist(vol_path, attrs, 0) vol_crtime = volinfo[0] vol_name = encode_utf8(volinfo[1]) # Also grab various attributes of the file attrs = [(osx.ATTR_CMN_OBJTYPE | osx.ATTR_CMN_CRTIME | osx.ATTR_CMN_FNDRINFO | osx.ATTR_CMN_FILEID | osx.ATTR_CMN_PARENTID), 0, 0, 0, 0] info = osx.getattrlist(path, attrs, osx.FSOPT_NOFOLLOW) if info[0] == osx.VDIR: kind = ALIAS_KIND_FOLDER else: kind = ALIAS_KIND_FILE cnid = info[3] folder_cnid = info[4] dirname, filename = os.path.split(path) if dirname == b'' or dirname == b'.': dirname = os.getcwd() foldername = os.path.basename(dirname) creation_date = info[1] if kind == ALIAS_KIND_FILE: creator_code = struct.pack(b'I', info[2].fileInfo.fileCreator) type_code = struct.pack(b'I', info[2].fileInfo.fileType) else: creator_code = b'\0\0\0\0' type_code = b'\0\0\0\0' a.target = TargetInfo(kind, filename, folder_cnid, cnid, creation_date, creator_code, type_code) a.volume = VolumeInfo(vol_name, vol_crtime, b'H+', ALIAS_FIXED_DISK, 0, b'\0\0') a.target.folder_name = foldername a.volume.posix_path = vol_path rel_path = os.path.relpath(path, vol_path) # Leave off the initial '/' if vol_path is '/' (no idea why) if vol_path == b'/': a.target.posix_path = rel_path else: a.target.posix_path = b'/' + rel_path # Construct the Carbon and CNID paths carbon_path = [] cnid_path = [] head, tail = os.path.split(rel_path) if not tail: head, tail = os.path.split(head) while head or tail: if head: attrs = [osx.ATTR_CMN_FILEID, 0, 0, 0, 0] info = osx.getattrlist(os.path.join(vol_path, head), attrs, 0) cnid_path.append(info[0]) carbon_tail = tail.replace(b':',b'/') carbon_path.insert(0, carbon_tail) head, tail = os.path.split(head) carbon_path = vol_name + b':' + b':\0'.join(carbon_path) a.target.carbon_path = carbon_path a.target.cnid_path = cnid_path return a def _to_fd(self, b): # We'll come back and fix the length when we're done pos = b.tell() b.write(struct.pack(b'>4shh', self.appinfo, 0, self.version)) carbon_volname = encode_utf8(self.volume.name).replace(b':',b'/') carbon_filename = encode_utf8(self.target.filename).replace(b':',b'/') voldate = (self.volume.creation_date - mac_epoch).total_seconds() crdate = (self.target.creation_date - mac_epoch).total_seconds() if self.version == 2: # NOTE: crdate should be in local time, but that's system dependent # (so doing so is ridiculous, and nothing could rely on it). b.write(struct.pack(b'>h28pI2shI64pII4s4shhI2s10s', self.target.kind, carbon_volname, int(voldate), self.volume.fs_type, self.volume.disk_type, self.target.folder_cnid, carbon_filename, self.target.cnid, int(crdate), self.target.creator_code, self.target.type_code, self.target.levels_from, self.target.levels_to, self.volume.attribute_flags, self.volume.fs_id, b'\0'*10)) else: b.write(struct.pack(b'>hQ4shIIQI14s', self.target.kind, int(voldate * 65536), self.volume.fs_type, self.volume.disk_type, self.target.folder_cnid, self.target.cnid, int(crdate * 65536), self.volume.attribute_flags, self.volume.fs_id, b'\0'*14)) # Excuse the odd order; we're copying Finder if self.target.folder_name: carbon_foldername = encode_utf8(self.target.folder_name)\ .replace(b':',b'/') b.write(struct.pack(b'>hh', TAG_CARBON_FOLDER_NAME, len(carbon_foldername))) b.write(carbon_foldername) if len(carbon_foldername) & 1: b.write(b'\0') b.write(struct.pack(b'>hhQhhQ', TAG_HIGH_RES_VOLUME_CREATION_DATE, 8, int(voldate * 65536), TAG_HIGH_RES_CREATION_DATE, 8, int(crdate * 65536))) if self.target.cnid_path: cnid_path = struct.pack('>%uI' % len(self.target.cnid_path), *self.target.cnid_path) b.write(struct.pack(b'>hh', TAG_CNID_PATH, len(cnid_path))) b.write(cnid_path) if self.target.carbon_path: carbon_path=encode_utf8(self.target.carbon_path) b.write(struct.pack(b'>hh', TAG_CARBON_PATH, len(carbon_path))) b.write(carbon_path) if len(carbon_path) & 1: b.write(b'\0') if self.volume.appleshare_info: ai = self.volume.appleshare_info if ai.zone: b.write(struct.pack(b'>hh', TAG_APPLESHARE_ZONE, len(ai.zone))) b.write(ai.zone) if len(ai.zone) & 1: b.write(b'\0') if ai.server: b.write(struct.pack(b'>hh', TAG_APPLESHARE_SERVER_NAME, len(ai.server))) b.write(ai.server) if len(ai.server) & 1: b.write(b'\0') if ai.username: b.write(struct.pack(b'>hh', TAG_APPLESHARE_USERNAME, len(ai.username))) b.write(ai.username) if len(ai.username) & 1: b.write(b'\0') if self.volume.driver_name: driver_name = encode_utf8(self.volume.driver_name) b.write(struct.pack(b'>hh', TAG_DRIVER_NAME, len(driver_name))) b.write(driver_name) if len(driver_name) & 1: b.write(b'\0') if self.volume.network_mount_info: b.write(struct.pack(b'>hh', TAG_NETWORK_MOUNT_INFO, len(self.volume.network_mount_info))) b.write(self.volume.network_mount_info) if len(self.volume.network_mount_info) & 1: b.write(b'\0') if self.volume.dialup_info: b.write(struct.pack(b'>hh', TAG_DIALUP_INFO, len(self.volume.network_mount_info))) b.write(self.volume.network_mount_info) if len(self.volume.network_mount_info) & 1: b.write(b'\0') utf16 = decode_utf8(self.target.filename)\ .replace(':','/').encode('utf-16-be') b.write(struct.pack(b'>hhh', TAG_UNICODE_FILENAME, len(utf16) + 2, len(utf16) // 2)) b.write(utf16) utf16 = decode_utf8(self.volume.name)\ .replace(':','/').encode('utf-16-be') b.write(struct.pack(b'>hhh', TAG_UNICODE_VOLUME_NAME, len(utf16) + 2, len(utf16) // 2)) b.write(utf16) if self.target.posix_path: posix_path = encode_utf8(self.target.posix_path) b.write(struct.pack(b'>hh', TAG_POSIX_PATH, len(posix_path))) b.write(posix_path) if len(posix_path) & 1: b.write(b'\0') if self.volume.posix_path: posix_path = encode_utf8(self.volume.posix_path) b.write(struct.pack(b'>hh', TAG_POSIX_PATH_TO_MOUNTPOINT, len(posix_path))) b.write(posix_path) if len(posix_path) & 1: b.write(b'\0') if self.volume.disk_image_alias: d = self.volume.disk_image_alias.to_bytes() b.write(struct.pack(b'>hh', TAG_RECURSIVE_ALIAS_OF_DISK_IMAGE, len(d))) b.write(d) if len(d) & 1: b.write(b'\0') if self.target.user_home_prefix_len is not None: b.write(struct.pack(b'>hhh', TAG_USER_HOME_LENGTH_PREFIX, 2, self.target.user_home_prefix_len)) for t,v in self.extra: b.write(struct.pack(b'>hh', t, len(v))) b.write(v) if len(v) & 1: b.write(b'\0') b.write(struct.pack(b'>hh', -1, 0)) blen = b.tell() - pos b.seek(pos + 4, os.SEEK_SET) b.write(struct.pack(b'>h', blen)) def to_bytes(self): """Returns the binary representation for this :class:`Alias`.""" with io.BytesIO() as b: self._to_fd(b) return b.getvalue() def __str__(self): return '' % self.target.filename def __repr__(self): values = [] if self.appinfo != b'\0\0\0\0': values.append('appinfo=%r' % self.appinfo) if self.version != 2: values.append('version=%r' % self.version) if self.volume is not None: values.append('volume=%r' % self.volume) if self.target is not None: values.append('target=%r' % self.target) if self.extra: values.append('extra=%r' % self.extra) return 'Alias(%s)' % ','.join(values)