Mastering-markdown-jp » 履歴 » バージョン 2
バージョン 1 (健二 酒井, 2019/04/17 00:12) → バージョン 2/4 (健二 酒井, 2019/04/18 21:45)
# Mastering-markdown-jp
## 訳にあたって
Markdown は軽くて簡単に使える言語です。GitHubプラットフォームで文章を記述するために使用できます。
- どのようにMarkdownを利用するか
- Markdownはこれまでのものとどう違うか。
- GitHubのMarkdown自動レンダリングの活用
- GitHubの独自拡張をどう利用するか
## Markdownってなに?
* Gists
* イシュー、プルリクエストのコメント
* .md、.markdown形式のファイル
## 例
### テキスト
> ```
> It's very easy to make some words **bold** and other words *italic* with Markdown. You can even [link to Google!](
> ```
> It's very easy to make some words **bold** and other words *italic* with Markdown. You can even [link to Google!](
> ### リスト
> ```
> Sometimes you want numbered lists:
> 1. One
> 2. Two
> 3. Three
> Sometimes you want bullet points:
> * Start a line with a star
> * Profit!
> Alternatively,
> - Dashes work just as well
> - And if you have sub points, put two spaces before the dash or star:
> - Like this
> - And this
> ```
> Sometimes you want numbered lists:
> 1. One
> 2. Two
> 3. Three
> Sometimes you want bullet points:
> * Start a line with a star
> * Profit!
> Alternatively,
> - Dashes work just as well
> - And if you have sub points, put two spaces before the dash or star:
> - Like this
> - And this
### 画像
> ```
> If you want to embed images, this is how you do it:
> ```
> If you want to embed images, this is how you do it:
### 見出しと引用
> ```
> # Structured documents
> Sometimes it's useful to have different levels of headings to structure your documents. Start lines with a `#` to create headings. Multiple `##` in a row denote smaller heading sizes.
> ### This is a third-tier heading
> You can use one `#` all the way up to `######` six for different heading sizes.
> If you'd like to quote someone, use the > character before the line:
> > Coffee. The finest organic suspension ever devised... I beat the Borg with it.
> > - Captain Janeway
> ```
> # Structured documents
> Sometimes it's useful to have different levels of headings to structure your documents. Start lines with a `#` to create headings. Multiple `##` in a row denote smaller heading sizes.
> ### This is a third-tier heading
> You can use one `#` all the way up to `######` six for different heading sizes.
> If you'd like to quote someone, use the > character before the line:
> > Coffee. The finest organic suspension ever devised... I beat the Borg with it.
> > - Captain Janeway
### コード
### 追加機能
> ```
> GitHub supports many extras in Markdown that help you reference and link to people. If you ever want to direct a comment at someone, you can prefix their name with an @ symbol: Hey @kneath — love your sweater!
> But I have to admit, tasks lists are my favorite:
> - [x] This is a complete item
> - [ ] This is an incomplete item
> When you include a task list in the first comment of an Issue, you will see a helpful progress bar in your list of issues. It works in Pull Requests, too!
> And, of course emoji!
> ```
> > GitHub supports many extras in Markdown that help you reference and link to people. If you ever want to direct a comment at someone, you can prefix their name with an @ symbol: Hey @kneath — love your sweater!
> But I have to admit, tasks lists are my favorite:
> - [x] This is a complete item
> - [ ] This is an incomplete item
> When you include a task list in the first comment of an Issue, you will see a helpful progress bar in your list of issues. It works in Pull Requests, too!
> And, of course emoji!
## 文法ガイド
### 見出し(Headers)
# これは<h1>タグになります
## これは<h2>タグになります
####### これは<h6>タグです
### 強調(Emphasis)
_これらを **あわせて** 使うこともできます_
### リスト(Lists)
#### 順序なし
* 項目 1
* 項目 2
* 項目 2a
* 項目 2b
### 順序あり
1. 項目 1
1. 項目2
1. 項目 3
1. 項目 3a
1. 項目 3b
### 画像(Images)

``` - 自動でリンクされます!
### 引用(Blockquotes)
> 我々は未来を生きている。
> 今とは過去なのだ。
### インラインコード(Inline code)
## GitHub式Markdown(GitHub Flavored Markdown)
GitHub式Markdownの機能のいくつかは概要(descriptions)とイシューやプルリクエストでのコメント(comments of Issues and Pull Requests)だけで使うことができます。これらは
タスクリストはGistコメント、Gist Markdownファイルでも使用可能です。
TODO なんかここ訳がイマイチ
### シンタックスハイライト
### タスクリスト
### 表
First Header | Second Header
------------ | -------------
Content from cell 1 | Content from cell 2
Content in the first column | Content in the second column
First Header | Second Header
------------ | -------------
Content from cell 1 | Content from cell 2
Content in the first column | Content in the second column
### SHA参照
### リポジトリのイシュー参照
### ユーザー名の@メンション
### URLの自動リンク
### 取り消し線
### 絵文字
サポートしてる絵文字の画像はEmoji Cheat Sheetを見てください。
## 訳にあたって
Markdown は軽くて簡単に使える言語です。GitHubプラットフォームで文章を記述するために使用できます。
- どのようにMarkdownを利用するか
- Markdownはこれまでのものとどう違うか。
- GitHubのMarkdown自動レンダリングの活用
- GitHubの独自拡張をどう利用するか
## Markdownってなに?
* Gists
* イシュー、プルリクエストのコメント
* .md、.markdown形式のファイル
## 例
### テキスト
> ```
> It's very easy to make some words **bold** and other words *italic* with Markdown. You can even [link to Google!](
> ```
> It's very easy to make some words **bold** and other words *italic* with Markdown. You can even [link to Google!](
> ### リスト
> ```
> Sometimes you want numbered lists:
> 1. One
> 2. Two
> 3. Three
> Sometimes you want bullet points:
> * Start a line with a star
> * Profit!
> Alternatively,
> - Dashes work just as well
> - And if you have sub points, put two spaces before the dash or star:
> - Like this
> - And this
> ```
> Sometimes you want numbered lists:
> 1. One
> 2. Two
> 3. Three
> Sometimes you want bullet points:
> * Start a line with a star
> * Profit!
> Alternatively,
> - Dashes work just as well
> - And if you have sub points, put two spaces before the dash or star:
> - Like this
> - And this
### 画像
> ```
> If you want to embed images, this is how you do it:
> ```
> If you want to embed images, this is how you do it:
### 見出しと引用
> ```
> # Structured documents
> Sometimes it's useful to have different levels of headings to structure your documents. Start lines with a `#` to create headings. Multiple `##` in a row denote smaller heading sizes.
> ### This is a third-tier heading
> You can use one `#` all the way up to `######` six for different heading sizes.
> If you'd like to quote someone, use the > character before the line:
> > Coffee. The finest organic suspension ever devised... I beat the Borg with it.
> > - Captain Janeway
> ```
> # Structured documents
> Sometimes it's useful to have different levels of headings to structure your documents. Start lines with a `#` to create headings. Multiple `##` in a row denote smaller heading sizes.
> ### This is a third-tier heading
> You can use one `#` all the way up to `######` six for different heading sizes.
> If you'd like to quote someone, use the > character before the line:
> > Coffee. The finest organic suspension ever devised... I beat the Borg with it.
> > - Captain Janeway
### コード
### 追加機能
> ```
> GitHub supports many extras in Markdown that help you reference and link to people. If you ever want to direct a comment at someone, you can prefix their name with an @ symbol: Hey @kneath — love your sweater!
> But I have to admit, tasks lists are my favorite:
> - [x] This is a complete item
> - [ ] This is an incomplete item
> When you include a task list in the first comment of an Issue, you will see a helpful progress bar in your list of issues. It works in Pull Requests, too!
> And, of course emoji!
> ```
> > GitHub supports many extras in Markdown that help you reference and link to people. If you ever want to direct a comment at someone, you can prefix their name with an @ symbol: Hey @kneath — love your sweater!
> But I have to admit, tasks lists are my favorite:
> - [x] This is a complete item
> - [ ] This is an incomplete item
> When you include a task list in the first comment of an Issue, you will see a helpful progress bar in your list of issues. It works in Pull Requests, too!
> And, of course emoji!
## 文法ガイド
### 見出し(Headers)
# これは<h1>タグになります
## これは<h2>タグになります
####### これは<h6>タグです
### 強調(Emphasis)
_これらを **あわせて** 使うこともできます_
### リスト(Lists)
#### 順序なし
* 項目 1
* 項目 2
* 項目 2a
* 項目 2b
### 順序あり
1. 項目 1
1. 項目2
1. 項目 3
1. 項目 3a
1. 項目 3b
### 画像(Images)

``` - 自動でリンクされます!
### 引用(Blockquotes)
> 我々は未来を生きている。
> 今とは過去なのだ。
### インラインコード(Inline code)
## GitHub式Markdown(GitHub Flavored Markdown)
GitHub式Markdownの機能のいくつかは概要(descriptions)とイシューやプルリクエストでのコメント(comments of Issues and Pull Requests)だけで使うことができます。これらは
タスクリストはGistコメント、Gist Markdownファイルでも使用可能です。
TODO なんかここ訳がイマイチ
### シンタックスハイライト
### タスクリスト
### 表
First Header | Second Header
------------ | -------------
Content from cell 1 | Content from cell 2
Content in the first column | Content in the second column
First Header | Second Header
------------ | -------------
Content from cell 1 | Content from cell 2
Content in the first column | Content in the second column
### SHA参照
### リポジトリのイシュー参照
### ユーザー名の@メンション
### URLの自動リンク
### 取り消し線
### 絵文字
サポートしてる絵文字の画像はEmoji Cheat Sheetを見てください。